
Discover Your Calling

If you have been sensing that the Lord is calling you into the ministry, or you are already functioning in the ministry but do not have a relationship with a ministerial association, then you may want to consider Elim as your spiritual covering. Elim has been formed in such a way as to provide both covering and accountability within a body that is biblically sound and spiritually mature.

In Elim a great emphasis is placed on relationship. Out of our relationship with Jesus Christ we will first hear the call to ministry. Out of our relationships with others of like faith, we will be encouraged and challenged to grow in that calling.

We encourage you to pursue the Lord, and to seek His counsel if you believe He has placed a call to minister on your life. We will be delighted to pursue the Lord’s will with you.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe in the triune Godhead as eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His present priestly ministry.

We believe in evangelistic and missionary fervour and endeavour.

We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We further believe in the keeping power of God.

We believe in sanctification and holiness of heart and the overcoming life as God’s design for the Church, which is the Bride of Christ.

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost and in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit as evidenced in charismatic gifts and ministries, and in His fruit in the life of the believer.

We believe that divine healing is obtained on the basis of the Atonement.

We believe in Christ’s imminent personal return in power and great glory and in His present and everlasting dominion.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of eternal life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of eternal punishment.

We believe that sexual purity is a necessary expression for all God’s children and requires abstinence from adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality or other sexual relationships or practices forbidden by Scripture. (Heb.13:4, 1Cor.6:18, Lev.18:1-30)

We believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime and a sacred institution established by God.

Credential Requirements

Applicants for all levels of credentialing must petition the Fellowship for credentials utilizing the appropriate application form which is available at the bottom of this page or from the Administrator of Elim Fellowship at its Brantford, Ontario offices. This application will contain all the necessary information for initiating and completing the process of credentials application.

Those desiring credentials should acquaint themselves thoroughly with the purposes and practices of Elim Fellowship as revealed in its Constitution and By-Laws. It is expected that applicants will be in accord with the Statement of Faith of the Fellowship and will endorse those principles in the conduct of their ministry. It is recommended that all credential applicants familiarize themselves with the history of Elim by reading Ivan Spencer: Willow in the wind, by Marion Meloon.

Although there are no formal educational requirements for credentials, those who review applications will take into consideration the educational preparation accomplished by each individual. In order to better equip applicants for ministry, they may be required to read books from a prescribed reading list. Formal training, although it carries weight in the evaluation process, in no way will substitute for personal character, experience, and other accepted qualifications for the ministry.

What types of Credentials are Available?

Ordination is granted to those with a recognized and proven ministry. It acknowledges the outworking of the sovereign call of God in a life, and is generally of a marked nature which receives more than local acceptance.

Recognition of Ordination is granted to those applicants who hold ordination with a recognized church body and desire to transfer that ordination to Elim Fellowship. Recognition of Ordination is equivalent to ordination by the Fellowship.

License to Minister is given to those who have demonstrated both an ability and calling to minister, whose qualifications have been recognized, and who are seriously entering into the evidencing of the gift of God in their lives within the context of the local assembly.

Christian Worker Credentials are issued to recognize the initial call into ministry and serve to identify an individual’s call in the early stages of its development. Involvement in ministry goes beyond Sunday School teaching, youth/children’s work, song leading or occasional exhortation in a local assembly.

Granting of Credentials

All credential applicants will be formally notified of the decision made by the Council of Elders. A certificate for each credential will be given to each accepted applicant. Those receiving license will receive the formal recognition of their credentials at a meeting of Elim Fellowship ministers in the area in which they live. If this is not possible because of geographical limitations, the certificate will be presented either personally by officer of the Fellowship, or will be received through the mail.

Those being Ordained by Elim Fellowship will be so recognized by the laying on of hands by one or more persons duly authorized by the Council. The ordination will take place in a formal ceremony, and will be attended by those who have endorsed and also will receive from the ministry of the ordinand.

Renewal of Credential

Credential renewal is not automatic, but is granted as the Council of Elders reviews each annual request by the credential holders. All credential holders will receive their credential renewal notice in the Spring of each year from the Administrator of Elim Fellowship. The completed renewal portion and applicable fees should be promptly returned to the Brantford offices. A wallet card reflecting the then current period for which credentials are valid will be sent to all credential holders after renewal.

Qualifications of Credential Holders

Recognizing that each credential holder is a person who is responding to a genuine call from God, it is anticipated that the highest personal character will be recognized in each person.

The Apostle Paul’s words in 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1 will be considered as the Biblical standard set forth before each applicant. Additionally, it is expected that each applicant would give evidence of a genuine born-again experience, and should have been baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit (John 3:3, Matt. 28:19, Acts 2:4). Evidence is expected from every candidate as to spiritual growth and an increase in maturity of character during the years they have walked and do walk with God. It is anticipated that they will have a basic working knowledge of the Bible and be integrally involved as active members of a local church. A willingness to learn and to serve, a willingness to take responsibility and authority, a willingness to be accountable, a willingness to be flexible in changing situations and a willingness and an ability to seek and train others will be among the characteristics expected in a ministerial candidate.

Duties of Credential Holders

Although in some cases the duties of Christian Worker, Licensed minister and Ordained minister as noted in the By-Laws (Section 13) may differ from one ministry to another, it is expected that credential holders will abide by the formal assignment of duties as listed. Should a variation of these duties become necessary for a credential holder to function effectively within their assigned ministry, exceptions should be discussed directly with Elim Fellowship’s General Overseer.

Revocation of Credentials

Ministerial credentials may be revoked by the Council of Elders of the Fellowship upon clearly documented substantiation of moral charges, serious departure from the Faith, or a manifest spirit of rebellion. Such revocation will be enacted only after very careful and prayerful evaluation of all aspects of the charges brought against a minister. Such action is taken in the gravest sense of responsibility before God, and is not lightly accomplished.

Interpersonal Relationships

Receiving credentials from Elim Fellowship extends far beyond the acknowledging of God’s call on a life and recognition of that call by the brethren. Those who hold credentials within the Fellowship must acknowledge with the receiving of their credentials that they are joined together with all Elim credential holders. We extend ourselves one to another in brotherhood and fellowship, not because we are under compulsion to do so, and not because we are in total agreement in every area of our understanding, but because we recognise that we voluntarily unite together as brethren under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

Elim Fellowship speaks of mutual submission and support. It speaks of brethren working out their faith with other brethren in ways that will in every way cause the world to know that Christianity is a unique lifestyle. We need to hear God through one another, and we need to be willing to walk with one another when things do not go our way. When difficulties surround us, we must be willing to lay the matter before God and our brethren for resolution and healing. As Elim Fellowship continues to grow in God, requests for credentials and the granting thereof will cause us to be involved in a brotherhood which counts dearly the cost of standing one with another.

Expectations of Credential Holders

In addition to the interpersonal relationships which are entered into when an individual accepts credentials from Elim Fellowship, there are three areas which need to be recognized as further expectations of the credential holder.

First, it is anticipated that credential holders will pray regularly for Elim Fellowship personnel and the ministry and for activities with which it is involved.

Secondly, for Elim Fellowship Canada to exist and operate, it depends upon on the generous donations of our credential holders. The following is the suggested support for our three credential levels:

Ordained Minister – 5% of income
Licensed Minister – 3% of income
Christian Worker – 1% if income

Finally, active participation in and undergirding of the ministry programs of the Fellowship are expected. These three areas are important certainly in and of themselves, but more so as they reflect the act of commitment of an individual who has joined with the Fellowship. We so often speak of the commitment of members of churches being evidenced in these three areas. Is it not proper for us to respond in similar manner toward the group to whom we enjoy voluntary fellowship?

Application and Annual Membership Fee

The annual membership fee for all credential levels of Elim Fellowship is $200.00 per person or $350.00 per credentialed couple.

There is a $50.00 non refundable application fee, payable with the application. The balance of the annual fee will be required after the credential is granted.


If you’re interested in applying for credential, please select the “Apply Here” Button which will take you to an online form.  If you’re married, we’d like your spouse to fill out a small form by having them select the “Spousal Reference” button.  And finally, as part of the process we’d like to hear from your references.  You can have them select the “Other References” form or send them to the applicable web page.   We’re looking forward to getting to know you!

Let’s Stay Connected!

We’d love to hear from you!  Please fill in the form below and someone will be in touch with you as soon as they can!  

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